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1:1 CAREER Coaching 

I'm here to help you land several AHA-moments!

JOb hunting?

Ignite that career flame with no shame. 

Let's chat!

Meet Jenny

I'm a first-gen college graduate building first generational wealth. What the heck does that mean? It means—I've had to navigate undergrad, moving to a new state, entering the corporate world, mental health resources, and managing my money—mostly by myself.  

Now, I'm passing along what I've learned to you, so you can be a raging success at work and wise with your money!

Workplace Worth Academy®

Workplace Worth Academy (WWA) empowers early-career job seekers on difficult workplace situations and how to be smarter candidates in the job hunting market. Not clear not your value prop? Looking to leave a toxic work environment? Seeking higher pay? My 1:1 coaching program offers clarity and alignment. 

 That's why I've created an online academy aimed to get you prepared to talk about your career and money with CONFIDENCE. I offer online courses and digital downloads—designed to simplify your search for answers and save you time, so you can focus your energy on executing other big moves. 

mental health matters

Resume writing hacks

5 signs you're working for a toxic employer

on the blog


Write emails that spark LEADS

Be concise with your emails to recruiters.



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